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Any statement of facts herein contained on this web site are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but there are no assurances as to accuracy, nor do they purport to be suitable for all individuals. Past performance is no indication of future results. There is a risk of loss in trading Futures and Options.
Forex Trading with AbsoluteFX
The Internet-based service raises the bar for the industry – in terms of standards, highly respected staff and superior dealing practices – and revolutionizes the practice of Forex trading by allowing clients to instantly trade from live, streaming quotes. Get real-time quotes, news, research, charts, online spotfx, fx-options, cash metals and EFPs. Servicing IB’s, money managers, FCM’s, and Institutional accounts.What We Offer:
Real-time execution from live two way quotes
Interbank dealing spreads or less on all major currencies
Experienced trading and management team
Consistent liquidity under all market conditions
24 hour trading capability, from 5:00pm EST Sundays through 4:30pm EST Fridays
100:1 leverage
Real-time account management and profit and loss analysis
Instant deal confirmation with full back office capabilities
Free technical analysis and charting tools
Daily commentary
Real-time news feed via dealing software
Phone trading capabilities
Client services associates are available 24 hours a day between 5PM ET Sunday and 5PM ET Friday
Two platforms to choose from, Java or Windows